Programs and Policies
TCIDA Programs
The primary mission of the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (TCIDA) is to offer economic incentives to Tompkins County businesses in order to create and retain quality employment opportunities and strengthen the local tax base. The TCIDA targets the industrial sector and will only consider other sectors if certain criteria are met.
In general, the TCIDA avoids offering incentives to businesses that will compete with or displace existing Tompkins County businesses. It prefers to assist those businesses that have a market for products or services extending beyond Tompkins County including “back office” operations and regional or national headquarters.
TCIDA Application
The following are two unique programs the TCIDA offers to encourage smart growth and high density development:
City of Ithaca Community Investment Incentive Tax Abatement Program (CIITAP)
- Strengthen and enhance the City of Ithaca’s downtown area as the urban center of the county.
- Increase the amount and density of housing and business space in the central business districts throughout the County.
- Promote greater density by encouraging development of existing ‘gaps’ left by abandoned buildings and vacant parcels.
Community Investment Incentive Tax Abatement Program Policy
Lansing Town Center Incentive Program
The Town of Lansing Comprehensive Plan identifies goals and objectives around creating a vibrant Town Center where higher density housing, commercial services catering to the needs of local residents, and recreational opportunities are established that increase the tax base and create a sense of community in Lansing.
TCIDA Policies
In general, the IDA avoids offering incentives to businesses that will compete with or displace existing Tompkins County businesses. It prefers to assist those businesses that have a market for products or services extending beyond Tompkins County including “back office” operations and regional or national headquarters. The IDA will also assist companies selling their product or service in the County when it is clear their primary competition is from outside of the County.
TCIDA Uniform Tax Exemption Policy (UTEP)
Enhanced Energy Incentive Policy
Off-Site Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Policy
TCIDA Emergency COVID-19 Grant Program
Approved Grant Applicants
Name of Organization | Application | Amount Approved | Approval Date |
Acorn Ithaca LLC (Acorn Preschool) | Acorn Application | $10,000 | 12/9/20 |
Butler Daycare | Butler Application | $4,300 | 1/13/21 |
Coddington Road Community Center | Coddington Application | $10,000 | 11/11/20 |
Corner of the Sky | Corner of the Sky Application | $2,590 | 12/9/20 |
Drop-in-Center, Inc. | Drop-in-Center Application | $8,081 | 11/11/20 |
FSA Tompkins Cortland Comm College | FSA Tompkins Cortland Comm College | $5,250 | 11/11/20 |
Group Family Day Care | Group Family Application | $4,630 | 1/13/21 |
Heart and Home Daycare | Heart and Home Application | $9,660 | 12/9/20 |
Ithaca Community Childcare Center (IC3) | IC3 Application | $10,000 | 11/11/20 |
Ithaca Montessori School | Ithaca Montessori Application | $10,000 | 12/9/20 |
Lovely Day Ithaca LLC | Lovely Day Application | $9,400 | 1/13/21 |
Teachable Moments Daycare | Teachable Moments Application | $9,615 | 12/9/20 |
Varna Community Associates, Inc. | Varna Community Application | $10,000 | 1/13/21 |